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How to work WITH a healer in your group

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:09 am
by Trajedy
First allow me to mention some things this post is not

It is NOT a thread for info on being a druid
It is NOT a thread for complaining about being a druid
It is NOT a thread for griping about healers who don't do what you like.

What it is, is a thread, where I would like to let people know some things that help druids be better healers, when grouped with you. My main is not a druid, but is a low enough level that I have grouped with people outside my main clan to work on leveling. This has given me some insight to the things people need to learn about having healers in their groups.

I am going to limit myself to a few rules. Please, other healers, feel free to add suggestions

1) don't ask druids to heal you outside of group.
That is BS, and rude

2) if anything is hitting your healer, they cannot heal you.
Take them off the healer, ASAP. Pay attention to them, and group chatter.

3) the healer MUST focus on the main tank.
If the main tank dies, the healer gets agro and dies.
Please choose a group tank, and help this symbiotic relationship.
It will keep you alive also.
(3 extra - to be a tank, you Need to be able to get and keep agro)

Those of you who know me, know I could yammer on for hours... So i will stop here. Druids, feel free to add to this list.

TY for your time

Re: How to work WITH a healer in your group

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:14 am
by Chillrend
ROFLMAO you don't need healers, they are useless. Just raise your shield, and trust in the strength of your sword arm and your all good :) healers are for.... Milk drinkers.

Symbiotic relationship... Its a game woman! You make me laugh... When a tank and a druid have a baby... Is it a ranger?

Re: How to work WITH a healer in your group

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:31 am
by Dersu
Good points, Tragedy.

One thing I really respect is a heads-up Ranger.

There are two very important things a great Ranger can do to help out the Druid.

1. Light Heal the Rogue: As you mentioned, Druids really need to focus on healing the Tank. The unfortunate downside is that we can't throw many heals to the Rogues who may also be taking damage (AoE, adds, or because of occasionally stealing aggro.)

A Ranger who takes note of the Rogue or Mage's life, and takes a moment to cast a Light Heal on them is very appreciated.

2. Using Bolas mid fight: This can be great in small groups, and especially if there is only one Druid. One Druid can't always keep up with the healing required for a Tank on a bigger enemy in a small group.

When a heads-up Ranger casts Bolas on the mob, and lets the Tank know, it allows the Tank to back up for a few moments to get some free heals by the Druid. This small act allows for some valuable health points to be gained (through Druid casting and sigil regen.)

As a troll aside... Chill, you have absolutely no idea what symbiotic means, do you. If yer gonna quit, quit. Stop wasting everyone's time.

Re: How to work WITH a healer in your group

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:13 am
by sunshinee
chillrend, why waste your time making a fool of yourself once again? you think you make yourself look smart and top unfathomable when you actually make yourself look like an imbecile. i guess its good for a laugh :lol: . anyways, shaden you said it well. well done on the post and i just want to add something. i frequently group people outside of my clan if they need some help with a boss, in doing so please do not keep shouting at the druid to heal you, if you have not noticed yet that there is a regen time frame on skills so us druids cant be constantly healing. *cough* WarriorTank3r *cough* :roll: . so let the druids do what they do and don't sprout grey hairs over it. :D

Re: How to work WITH a healer in your group

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:51 pm
by Dersu
i frequently group people outside of my clan if they need some help with a boss, in doing so please do not keep shouting at the druid to heal you, if you have not noticed yet that there is a regen time frame on skills so us druids cant be constantly healing. *cough* WarriorTank3r *cough* :roll: . so let the druids do what they do and don't sprout grey hairs over it. :D
lmfao!!! :lol: :lol:

I've helped that character a few times as well. Non-stop with the "Heal me," eh?

Now I let him get down to near death before healing him to full with one cast. :lol:

Re: How to work WITH a healer in your group

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:12 am
by sunshinee
yep :lol:

Re: How to work WITH a healer in your group

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:45 am
by MoneyShot
Warriortank3r also known as tenizen....