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Racism in Herne...? Is this real necessary?

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:00 pm
by Kokurou
New form of harassment in Celtic Heroes has arisen, and it's not just anyone. Forum mods, allow me to post the name up so people can keep an eye out for this person?

*name removed* today, literally got to farcrag, and this person whispered me one word. "****". I don't know this person, nor have I done anything to him today, I haven't even seen him. I sent inn a support ticket about this person, all the while he's been going "**** like you should be killed" "I wouldn't be proud to be a race of scum" "I'm not racist with anyone, just you. I'm being paid to do this".

Oh the latest one was literally just now as I'm writing this. "**** are a dieing race (yeah nice spelling, it's dying you trollface). They're disgusting tramps".

Now...idk about anyone else, but I'm proud to be hispanic, only because we get the girls :) lol jk. I'm seriously proud to be Hispanic, and nobody can take that pride. So, if anyone sees this guy *name removed*, please tell him that his racism is unwelcome in the oh-so-peaceful realm of Herne.

That being said, everyone who reads this, stay safe!

Re: Racism in Herne...? Is this real necessary?

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:10 pm
by pigman
i understand the issue, however it is more helpful to report said player than to post on the forum which neither allows otm to properly deal with the player, and also has the potential to alert said player and for them to start a new toon