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What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:30 pm
by dioraddict
I know a lot of players in Herne grow a pair of "testicles" while logged on when you know they are about as tough as a kitten in real life. I guess they are bullied in real life so they take it out on others in the game. The reason why I'm posting this is because some of the things they say are just so appalling, and it puts me off from the game. And of course you can't report it because nothing will be done, which really annoys me. These players cause nothing but chaos. I play the game to escape the drudgery of everyday life, I don't need to be constantly harassed. And I can't "block" them because it happens when I'm at the arena trying to do my daily quest. Something really needs to be done. There should be moderators logged into the game to make sure it doesn't happen. If this continues, I will probably quit the game all together and leave a very poor review. I love playing but I can't stand the constant bullying some players do to others.

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:45 pm
by Aileron
Bullying in online games is usually motivated by revenge or anger, typically from real life. It is the most common outlet for kids these days since they cannot act upon their frustrations without consequences, so they do so in a game and feel better about themselves. These are people who have low self esteem and most likely victims of bullying themselves and so they require some validation from somewhere to feel powerful and gain the upper hand over someone else.

When you come across online game bullies, offer them counsel and try to make them talk to you about their real life issues. Perhaps you can actually help some kid who truly needs it.

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:58 am
by prodigy
Bullying in online games is usually motivated by revenge or anger, typically from real life. It is the most common outlet for kids these days since they cannot act upon their frustrations without consequences, so they do so in a game and feel better about themselves. These are people who have low self esteem and most likely victims of bullying themselves and so they require some validation from somewhere to feel powerful and gain the upper hand over someone else.

When you come across online game bullies, offer them counsel and try to make them talk to you about their real life issues. Perhaps you can actually help some kid who truly needs it.
Thank you for coming all the way from morrigan to help this server. :)

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:26 pm
by sunshinee
Is that you in that pic?

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:55 pm
by phucerian
Yes, it's a real shame that. As a rule I try to interact online exactly as I would in real life. The stitches come off next week.

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:09 pm
by dioraddict
This is moi. And ty all for the advice.

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:42 pm
by Trajedy
If you look at the area list, you can select and block (as well as group, whisper or friend) people from there.

The trouble with taking the time to counsel them, is that it becomes a never-ending dialogue with player after player. A the same time, sometimes just talking with them, makes them realize there is a real person behind the toon, motivating them to be a bit kinder.

I am glad i didnt grow any testicles when playing this game... It would be really hard to explain at my physical.

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:43 pm
by P1R4HN4
I am glad i didnt grow any testicles when playing this game... It would be really hard to explain at my physical.
Lol! I think it'd be harder to explain to your hubby than to the doctor :)

Re: What's with all the bullying of some players?

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:49 pm
by MoneyShot
Just like shaden said talking to them does help them realize certain things and so does time. Any old player should remeber when i was a whinny ass druid with a temper. I got kicked from spellsingers because of that. Then brits which is now infection realized that with time and guidance i could change. If it werent for me joining into brits who knows i might still be that whinny little druid. Now u see me and im a relaxed player who gets frustrated when people dont listen to a single thing i say. If someone really is bothering u in the arena. Get a high lvl friend to come kick his a$$ for ya. Then comes his bs statement about being weak cause u called someone to help kill him when hes like 50 lvls higher than u. Just ignore that and your golden. Its always reassuring to know that i have infection allies to help me out with ascension. (For my last comment i would respect the ascension members dont take that the wrong way).