been too long!
Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 6:50 pm
It's been too long now and I still don't have my meteoric bp! I'm buying 3 mind obs and 3 black space! Pm me here or when I'm online or mail vegitto and we can decide price._.
The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices
Nub I on tons.___. I ask ppl where u been and they said u went to go die in a hole:-:I never see you on... Where you been?
Ewww kos for being on belenus and meeting new ppl ._.I been at belenus. Meeting new people lol
I hired ninjas to hunt u down now kos u irl ._.:0 If I don't log, I cant never be kos. :3