WARNING: If you don't know the exact price range then do not reply. These are some serious question and I don't need you to try to be funny.....*COUGH* *Swerwald* *Eda*......
I need to know how much.....
Full set (Hat,Top,Legs,Boots,Gloves) (Non Spooky) YELLOW HUNTER worth? Full set ^ (Non Spooky) PURPLE HUNTER worth? Comrak's Shrivewood (Don't care if it doesn't sell anymore) Worth?
Also... Im looking to buy SHIELD OF RAMPART (Price I will pay is 200k) Looking for PURPLE HUNTER (Full Set/Non Spooky) (Price I will pay is 400-500k) Anything thing (NO NOOB ITEMS PLEASE) For Fire Mage/ If you also have some Ice mage stuff I will be willing (DEPENDS) to buy.
Comrak if someone would ever sell maybe 1-1.5mils..yellow hunter 100k and purple 150-200k
Owner of Blue Coven And Majestic Broom Of Winter Characters-Eda1-Eda2-Eda3-Eda4-Eda5-Edabank Level------------86------31----132----100----156-------5------ World--------Herne