Xfering these items:
Heroic boots
Heroic gloves
Heroic ammy
Golden bodkin of spirits
Bloodlust helm (250k)
For all this on herne:
Heroic boots
Heroic gloves
Heroic ammy
Golden bodkin of spirits
250k gold or bloodlust helm
Xfering from mabon to here
Bobbyj, lvl 190+ ranger
Lvl 150+ rogue
Lvl 100+ Druid
Rhiannon my new server so much better than rosmerta lol....you guys should try it out...
Warrior lvl 199+
Druid lvl 100+
Bobbyj, lvl 190+ ranger
Lvl 150+ rogue
Lvl 100+ Druid
Rhiannon my new server so much better than rosmerta lol....you guys should try it out...
Warrior lvl 199+
Druid lvl 100+