Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: golgatha harrasment

here's how i see it

marath, ava, and various other clans dislike golg

golgatha, and some individual players dislike ava

individual players dislike marath (golg may also idk)

and for those various other clans idk their business, just that lots dont like golg
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: golgatha harrasment

Again just saying, its how you see it. This entire forum and game is tainted with people's opinion and honestly its about ruined this game or maybe just the server. They have there opinion but they bash each other on the basis of an opinion and it escalates and never ends well. It's a game. If your really gonna argue over it this much, you honestly have to straighten your priorities. As a matter of fact im done with the game. This is ridiculous, grown men arguing over a game, over your petty differences in opinion. And my parents wonder why I spent so much time on this game? I honestly dont know anymore. You've ruined the fun. All of you.
Warrior-Kumquat Lvl80+
Your friendly Morrigan server paparazzi! For all your Celtic Heroes photograph needs! Pm me in game for photos!
Manager- Rhysjm

Re: golgatha harrasment

typical pigman

you just got to keep fanning the flames, you got to remember there are a lot of CHILDREN play this game i do not want my children hearing you slag of every player who you find as a threat to yourself, just remember it is just a game its not real you play your game and leave others to play theirs, and as for kill stealing rapid (who by the way is 10years old) does that make you feel really good about yourself ?? do your next door neighbours kids play football in your yard and when the ball comes over do you burst it or keep it ?? cos i sense that the kind of person you are ........ little man syndrome we call it ......
Level 191 ranger

Re: golgatha harrasment

Hi Justecy. Pigman just told me on another post that I was as bad of a person or worse than you. So sine we are bottom dwellers we might as well get comfy with one another. So if there is anything I can do for ya just let me know. I don't want this bottom dwelling thing to be too uncomfortable for us.
PS. I take any disrespect from Avalon as a badge of honor. It means I must be doing something right.
DR Derp of Donn

Re: golgatha harrasment

I don't really care if you guys hate golgatha all your rude words don't do anything to me I really love the clan because I been in the clan for a long time and they really help me with amor and I love the people in the clan beacuse there funny and helpful

Re: golgatha harrasment

There is no reason for any clan to be "hated". Clans will naturally not get along, but there is no reason to hate anybody. I am in Golgatha, but i do not "hate" Avalon or Marath. Yes, I will compete against them for bosses, but I still respect them as people with feelings. I personally just want everybody to get along. I know the clans will always compete, and will never be "friends", but we could all at least be polite. And i believe most people would agree with that. But there are a few people who want everyone to fight, so they stir up trouble, point fingers, call names etc. And this causes the whole thing to escalate. I really think we just need to get along. It is, after all, just a game.
Nighthawk - Lvl 130 ranger
no longer playing. Miss you guys.

Re: golgatha harrasment

Agreed yea I don't hate a clan, I just hate some people. Tho I'm still friendly to basically everyone :)
Formally - Chimpy, level 135+ rogue, Morrigan
Currently - ChimpyOfEld, level 55+ rogue, Balor
"Men are like steel, if they lose their temper, they lose their worth"
"I am Gandalf. Gandalf the white, but black is mightier still"

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