I deeply regret my earlier actions of reporting Jiggaglow for account sharing. I was stupid and uncalled for.
I was instructed by *Names Removed* to help report avalon members because they believe that Avalon members reported songz, swagyolo and ofrey. They also hinted to me that i would get better drops and be geared first if i help report Avalon members.
But i realize now that it was despicable of what i did and i would like to apologize to Jiggaglow, sorry that you are banned.
Sorry to Jiggaglow
Last edited by Voldemort on Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: No need for the naming and shaming - it is against the rules. :)
Reason: No need for the naming and shaming - it is against the rules. :)