I started the game and went to shalemont following the quests, this was back in mid U3 and i was level 38 or so and was invited to join phoenix rising. I joined of course and it was good times, i talked to Juliet a bit and grew very very close to Sceylare.
After i left phoenix rising i joined dubstep. (Cant even remember why i left phoenix rising, probably because of something stupid) Ito was a general i think at this time level 80 or so and Jamison was a great chief, we all had fun! Great times. Great times.
I then left dubstep and joined adastra because they were a great clan and were thriving at the minute. Once i was recruited at level 70 (10 levels below the level req. at the time) I got my dad to join too. We both played and got along with the whole clan. We were killing all kinds of bosses and this was my first experience at killing bosses on a somewhat large scale. I got my warden armor from this clan.
I then joined xZombieArmyx because zapper had quit the game and taken a break. (He is now back) I didnt want to leave adastra and xZombieArmyx was a great clan at the time very powerful in numbers and skill. So i joined them. I liked the clan and got my meteoric from here. I then took a 7 or 8 month break (July-February). When i came back it was due to my friend gabe at school asking about this game. He said hey sean what was that game you used to play. At this time me and gabe never talked and i wouldnt even consider him my friend really. Then we started sitting next to each other in class and talking every day about celtic heroes. Now, we talk everyday and hang out all the time! Its amazing what one game can do to bring people together.
So i then was kicked from xZombieArmyx because i was on my staff at a boss that i couldnt really help at as it was a way higher level then me. Also i was being questioned as to whos alt i was because no one remembered me and i didnt know kes. So i joined tokugawa and had fun and me and suii talked a lot. I was in here with gabe and we enjoyed it! Then i joined Demonstar with gabe and i enjoyed every minute of it. Hands down the most fun clan i have been in because i knew what i was doing at this time unlike in adastra or phoenix rising. Seemed like the crew was me bd lew and blood. I grew insanely close to this group of people. Now none of these 3 play anymore atleast not on morrigan. I remember killing the 6 star spider with me blood lew and larch. (Larch is gabes brother so im close to him in real life as well) we failed the first time as it raged. But bolas kill was our plan. So we rebirthed and alted to make some changes and boom killed it before it raged the next time! We were so happy. I'll never forget the times i had in demonstar. I received my frozen here but i had bought it not gotten from the clan.
I then left demonstar because blood devil and krystle had been gone for a while now.(devil and krystle 2 months or so and blood 4 weeks or so) This clan was inactive and turned over to bd and he did a great job but without the real leaders the clan just died. I then joined ZombieArmy and i had a great time in there and arro was a great chief. We killed major dl bosses attempted aggys and got 150 kills what more can you ask for? (Other than a necro/mordy/hrung kill :p) My time in this clan was well served i helped whenever i could and made many friends which i am still close to today. I received dl boots and gloves in this clan. Than you guys so much you wouldnt believe how happy i was. Matter of fact, when i first got them i took all my clothes off except dl gloves and ran around carrow encampment.
I left ZombieArmy because i wanted to be with my dad in triquetra and zombie army had lost a few players and wasnt booming per se anymore. I was accepted to triquetra and i really loved my time here. I actually miss this clan. I loved the people here and I felt that triquetra was making a great run at avas position. But my dad left triquetra for avalon and he now resides there. Triquetra was the best of times and the worst of times.
I am now in demonstar again. I am out of triquetra for reasons that aren't going to be talked about anymore. That discussion and drama is long gone i hope. I am sitting in demonstar leveling as hard as i can at the minute so that i can hopefully apply and get accepted to avalon. I play this game to play with my dad and avalon has been a goal since level 20 or so when i first seen an ava member. I need about 25 levels and i will apply. As for demonstar right now, i cant say much because we dont really do much haha. We mostly just chat and do our own things. Devil is the only really active of him blood and krystle. Pac is a good friend of mine and hinta as well. I enjoy their company in the clan and me and pac actually talk a lot and anytime were both on you can find us in the carrowmore tunnels in one of the caves leveling.
Well this is a story of the clans i have been in not too in depth as there was a lot more to add. But this is a brief little biography of my time in clans on celtic heroes. I hope you all enjoy!!