Hey, so iv held on to sum things for a while and i have no idea what a lot of this stuff goes for currently so please help me out. Imma just lay out my list and if u see something and u know what its going for just let me know. If u want to buy anything im all ears for offers. Thanks! Btw im mainly trying to sell the quarts bow and jerkin
-Golden quiver of ice (not trying to sell just yet, but i will eventually want to sell so i can buy a firey quiver of beast)
-Verdent Quarts Bow LVL 60 req
-Tranquil Quarts Cuirass LVL 60 req(i know these two are worth a lot because they are rare now that quarts is an 80 lvl req)
-stave of bolts
-stave of storms
-orange candy cane
-2012 sunflower wand
-grand cane of bats
-5% cloud
-Golden Growth Charm (not planning on selling this because i love it but it would be nice to know its worth)
-yellow party hat 2012
-orange party hat 2012
-pink party hat 2012
-2011 yuletide hat
-2012 yuletide hat
-Orange party crown
-2 pumpkin hats
-yellow mask of lugh
-red mask of lugh
-orange mask of lugh
-pink mask of lugh
-black coven hat
-red coven hat
-orange yule revellers diadem of ice
-orange huntsman mask
-3 frosty cracker
-yellow ballon
-red balloon
-blue balloon
-super growth potion
-super shrink potion
-sparkly birthday cake
-smokey birthday cake
Re: List of sales (quarts lvl 60)
#2Golden growth/shrink charms are 500k each
Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I can assure you, its much more than that.