It gets worse and worse as time goes on. It’s quite sad as endgame has turned into nothing but a clash of egos, and more about how they can help themselves (abusing exploits, suggestions that benefit them the most, etc...) vs others/the game in general. It’s bringing the game on a downward hill and their heavy weight is making it roll down, and the most they can ever do is point fingers and blame everyone but themselves. Things used to be much different. But I guess that’s what we can expect when people earn all their life achievements in a video game, and atleast we can be thankful they can’t get achievements in the real world.I quit CH because of the toxic community that the end game turned into. I even lost the motivation to keep my website up with the original CH Items database (which I gave freely away to the community).
Life is to short to deal with the BS.
Still have hope though, as VR seems kind of sour towards those players.