Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Are you sick of being undercut in prices?

Mmmmmmkay, I just don't like you not your whole clan just you.
feeling is mutual. But the way you diss ava members, then you are a lying sob.

you don't even have the guts to reveal your character's name. you, sir, are hiding behind an alias, just like a coward, at least i'm out in the open that people can hate.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Are you sick of being undercut in prices?

True, i will not reveal my chars name. I will make you find me.
I have no interest. You really don't matter at all, I can play the game just fine without knowing who you really are.
Grow a pair if you really want people to take you and your opinions seriously.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Are you sick of being undercut in prices?

lmao, I don't "go out of my way" to talk to you. you're not that special. :roll: :roll:

I already visit the forums daily, I always read all Morrigan messages, and your attention-whoring diatribes are all over the General Discussion boards.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Are you sick of being undercut in prices?

Derp I really don't understand why you mangle sentences, and try to make them sound that they are pointed at you.., seriously. No one asked you to reply and if you haveing nothing positive to say dont say it at all! Pestillence says "If what Derp is about to say, is not better then silence then shut thehell up!" See now that statement was depicted at you.

Your input is welcome anywher as long as it isnt negative and impartial to the matter at hand. I seriously dont understand why you don't like avalon so much as most of us have done nothing to you but defend ourselves from your obsession to dis us in any way possible. I'am willing to talk civily to find out what is wrong, and would like a response instead of a shoeoff.

Anyways back on topic, The economy is terrible because of undercutting, undercutting to get a quick sale, quick cash. Whatever it is its just screwing with the economy. Yes I really do think that the Economy will getbetter with the Auction house but Undercutting will stillbe there, I guess the economy is just going to be terrible forever. But I shall attempt to make it better lol.

"Economy is too late when you are at the bottom of your purse."
Proud Clansman of Avalon
“Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.”
“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”

If you need any advice, tips or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me

Re: Are you sick of being undercut in prices?

Last time I checked 100 dollars spends the same whether it comes from selling crack or earning via paycheck. I have started obtaining discs and I might flood the market with 10k discs just to do it.

All dollars are not made equal; where it comes from and how it is spent extremely important.

Let's look at a wage earner:

The most important factor in determining the value of a dollar (or $100, as it were) is your effective tax rate. If my effective tax rate is 30%, for example, I will need to earn $143 pre-tax in order to buy $100 of crack. It isn't always easy to think this way, because for most people, tax is deducted at the source. Many people incorrectly view $100 as $100, because that is what ends up in their bank...but it isn't the case. I will need to earn $143 gross (if my effective taxe rate is 30%) in order to have $100 in my pocket at the end of the day.

But it gets better... In the above example I am buying crack. The nice thing about crack is that it is a pure cash transaction, but most purchases require sales tax to be paid (plat included... though it may seem like crack from time to time).

So now we need to think about sales tax, because a $100 bill will rarely buy $100 worth of goods. Let's say sales tax is 8.5% in our hypothetical town, and I am buying something sold in a shop. Now in order to buy that $100 Leadbelly Remastered Box-set, I will need $108.50 in my wallet. In order to have $108.50 in my wallet, I will need to have earned (drum roll) $155 pre-tax.

So $100 to our wage earner is $155 worth of effort in the workplace.

Now let's look at the crack seller you mentioned:

Crack sellers often deal in cash, and to the best of my knowledge, they don't usually file taxes. So they really don't have to worry about income tax, nor sales tax, for the majority of their transactions. If they are established in their area, or funded from the top of their organization, they are most likely buying their crack in bulk, and bagging it into smaller denominations to be sold individually. There is very little overhead.

The most important thing to remember about the crack seller is that they don't have to deal with taxes for the most part. They might pay sales tax from time to time, but the money might be stolen anyway, so it is of very little importance to them. They might not even understand sales tax. From time to time the crack seller might be given something in lieu of payment (such as a stolen firearm). They will then keep this for their own use, or try to sell it into the market in order to get their crack's worth out of it.

Problems can arise when the going rate for a firearm is $200, and they sell it for $50. They don't care, though, because to them it was like a free iTunes apple.

$100 to a crack seller is very different from the wage earner's $100. Very different.

Now this is mostly to due with sentiment of money, and what needs to be earned in order to have a certain amount of money. You mentioned spending $100... indeed, you are correct that spending $100 in a 8.5% sales tax town has the same effect regardless of where it came from: you get about $92.16 worth of goods. But let me assure you... if you think that $100 is the same to everyone, you are gravely mistaken.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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