Serious jac everyone knows your have told me yourself and when I have bought items off you in the past you have Had to get onto massa to get the've posted it in forums alsoI only have one device and one main charector. Massa is whole another charector owned by another person with another device if that was what you were implying. I also do not know why you were implying me as a "lier" when I don't really know times bosses spawn. I just keep logging back on and off until something spawns (I am sorry if you are on my friend's list and see me log back and forth.) anyway I'm not taking offense:) just making sure somethings are cleared up.Thanks jac but if u think of it from their point of view I would feel the same way. You have 2 devices and have 2 characters to successfully boss hunt well while they might only have 1 device and you are on all the time so you know when bosses will be up and it's not being a very good sport when you lie saying u have no clue when the boss will be up yet you come around everytime the boss spawns and you know exactly when it's going to be up...I don't have a problem with it because I'm a higher level and don't need to camp those lower bosses except maybe a few times for my bro but from their point of view it's not very nice and I can defietly see why...I used to hate when I was a lower level trying to get good drops and someone high level would kill a low level boss all the time and then just sell the drops. Maybe next time you see some lower levels camping the 50 boss help them out and don't just take the drops to make money. Just some advice I don't want problems so if you don't like this then please don't start anything. thanks
Thank you for response
