It's not believing, it's facts. Those players who didn't quit, some are in my clan now, and I still talk to 1 of the players who quit after the months of getting spanked at prots.Sure. OK. If that's what you want to believe.Wow it's like you weren't even there. Probably because you weren't. 50% of their endgame players quit over those months of losing Prot/gele. They started dying off well before dragons came out.
They didn't suddenly just start getting outlocked because a few of them wore gear that wasn't dps minded. More and more quit and started playing other games that didn't require such a financial investment like the dragon eggs. It's a domino effect... If the only reason you play this game is because of the people and those people quit, so do you.
Moral got really low after they kept losing Prots to shop quivers and runic rings. They first blamed runes, which don't drop enough to really make a big difference on every prot, especially when they killed 90% of the ring bosses. Then they blamed cooking, when both people could cook and they used the same food we did, but somehow us using baras while they used was unfair. Then they blamed dragons. Lol only like 2 people had dragons at the time and that was me and a dps warrior. 2 classes that are rarely in a lock fight for prot. After multiple months of losing 5/7 prots every week, multiple started to quit.