by Observer
I'm not a fan of havoc or ava, but I will say this, both clans have some good people and some bad, but seems havoc is more respectable and doesn't pull the dirty tricks that ava does. If I am living alone in a pit, havoc will leave you be. Ava on the other hand, will lix over you, and waste your lix, and if you complain, suddenly you have a 210-220 player of theirs come in pit and kill everything until you leave. Sorry but that's a scummy move. I have watched a few of the mordi fights from afar, and yes, I have seen ava drag mobs onto other clans often. Or they would get their boy Executive to drag the mobs for them. The game is meant to be fun for everyone, but seems ava will resort to any dirty trick to prevent other clans from getting end bosses, and I must say they have the worst attitude for a clan that should be setting an example for the rest of Morrigan. Honor and integrity are not part of their play style. They prefer to bully other players and put down everyone that isn't in their circle of friends. Watching both clans from afar, I have to respect havoc. They at least help out other clans and players, and they don't ask anything in return. Of the mordi attempts I have witnessed, I have seen one havoc player drag a mob onto ava at least twice. As Aileron stated, mob dragging has been going on since before havoc, and he is correct. It's Ava that usually starts the mob dragging, and then they get upset if it happens to them. Perhaps ava should learn to control its people and their mouths, maybe start learning what honor and respect and fair gameplay mean. If you want to discuss this more, I will be in 210 pit or arena. Come see me.