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Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:26 pm
by davias
Ive been around playing since July 2012 and I noticed that the top 5 clans have the best things and "some" are willing to help out new players. I have no problems with others but one clan in particular stood out among them all as indulgently rude. Im not saying that all the members of this clan are rude, its the majority. Since I started I was lied to, tried to scam me, and whats most rude and absurd was what happened later today. There was a green horse in OW and apparently he died and I started attacking. He saw that i could do DMG and wanted to group. I was stupid enough to accept. Then his friend came and started healing him and so he did more DMG. He regrouped right before taking the kill. How rude is that!? Justecy or whatever was his name. No wonder members in your clan are leaving. :lol:

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:41 pm
by pigman
lol i had a nice fight with justecy the other day because he and rapid ksed a low level clan off of solstice hatchling... hes a git,

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:58 pm
by Blaze619
Davis if your talking about me first I never group you and second I called my clan members to help me kill

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:38 pm
by Xilo
Low level my ass we ks Golg most of the time :p we insure they don't get bosses and hog :) we put em in their place. Marath we are kinda neutral on.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:57 am
by davias
Davis if your talking about me first I never group you and second I called my clan members to help me kill
not you blaze619, your...idk how you are. but its not you and i didnt say all golgatha are bad and rude. i guess ur alright.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:59 am
by davias
Low level my ass we ks Golg most of the time :p we insure they don't get bosses and hog :) we put em in their place. Marath we are kinda neutral on.
we are pretty legit, and hit me up when you guys are doing boss kill. i dont see that much and i really want it lol. XD

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:51 am
by pigman
low level to me xilo :)

i still think youre a great clan!

roseblades is pigman approved! ;)

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:45 pm
by TwoForFlinching
Server relations with Golgatha have been strained in the past and, to an extent, it still continues. As noted, not all Golgathians have bad reputations, or perhaps are even deserving of their bad reputations. Some may unfortunately be viewed as guilty by association.

I'd like to believe that all Avalon members are all above scamming, but the truth is no clan is without risk of having a hidden scammer or someone that can have a weak moment and succumb to temptation/retaliation.

Rather than unfairly labeling an entire clan, it would be more benefitial to identify individuals (incl their alts) that commit specific scams (etc.), or display patterns of poor gamesmanship. These kinds of players will ultimately end up clanless, friendless, and be forced to change or leave.

As a server, it's important that we keep it all in perspective. With competition, there is bound to come conflict. Friendly, respectful play helps make CH more enjoyable for everyone and the more people that play, the better CH will become.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:52 pm
by Tigger1197
Server relations with Golgatha have been strained in the past and, to an extent, it still continues. As noted, not all Golgathians have bad reputations, or perhaps are even deserving of their bad reputations. Some may unfortunately be viewed as guilty by association.

I'd like to believe that all Avalon members are all above scamming, but the truth is no clan is without risk of having a hidden scammer or someone that can have a weak moment and succumb to temptation/retaliation.

Rather than unfairly labeling an entire clan, it would be more benefitial to identify individuals (incl their alts) that commit specific scams (etc.), or display patterns of poor gamesmanship. These kinds of players will ultimately end up clanless, friendless, and be forced to change or leave.

As a server, it's important that we keep it all in perspective. With competition, there is bound to come conflict. Friendly, respectful play helps make CH more enjoyable for everyone and the more people that play, the better CH will become.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:16 pm
by pigman
Server relations with Golgatha have been strained in the past and, to an extent, it still continues. As noted, not all Golgathians have bad reputations, or perhaps are even deserving of their bad reputations. Some may unfortunately be viewed as guilty by association.

I'd like to believe that all Avalon members are all above scamming, but the truth is no clan is without risk of having a hidden scammer or someone that can have a weak moment and succumb to temptation/retaliation.

Rather than unfairly labeling an entire clan, it would be more benefitial to identify individuals (incl their alts) that commit specific scams (etc.), or display patterns of poor gamesmanship. These kinds of players will ultimately end up clanless, friendless, and be forced to change or leave.

As a server, it's important that we keep it all in perspective. With competition, there is bound to come conflict. Friendly, respectful play helps make CH more enjoyable for everyone and the more people that play, the better CH will become.

poetry :') *sniff*