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Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:13 pm
by GodOZilla
Post Your Entries Here If You Would Like To Participate!

Includes the following: Post Requirements
•Name of your character with also your Level
Under this post you will state your wage of 500 or either 1000gold

Next Step
•Understanding levels you'll fight/to find out your Devision
- Noob classes will fight Noob classes (30-59)
- Low classes will fight Low classes (60-89)
- Middle classes will fight Middle classes (90-119)
- High classes will fight High classes (120-139)
- Super classes will fight Super classes (140-150+)
***Credit Goes To ( Aileron ) for helping me ground the levels.

Starting Schedule It's a 15hour Event
- Noob Class Rounds starts - (10am to 11am) Restarts (6pm to 7pm)
- Middle Class Rounds Starts - (12pm to 1pm) Restarts (8pm to 9pm)
- High Class Rounds Starts - (2pm to 3pm) Restarts (10pm to 11pm)
- Super Class Rounds Starts - (4pm to 5pm) Restarts (12am to 1am)
- Noob Class Rounds - (5am to 6am) Restarts (1pm to 2pm) -Almarie
- Middle Class Rounds - (7am to 8am) Restarts (3pm to 4pm) -Luvs
- High Class Rounds - (9am to 10am) Restarts (5pm to 6pm) -Neo
- Super Class Rounds - (11am to 12pm) Restarts (7pm to 8pm) -Doodoobrn
- Noob Class Rounds - (7am to 8am) Restarts (3pm to 4pm)
- Middle Class Rounds - (9am to 10am) Restarts (5pm to 6pm)
- High Class Rounds - (11am to 12pm) Restarts (7pm to 8pm)
- Super Class Rounds - (1pm to 2pm) Restarts (9pm to 10pm)

Last Step Main Easy Rules
• The Wage-Holders Could be - (Neogie, Pigman, Eliminator, Doodoobrn, Luvs, Almarie, Aileron, Alwen1 aka Ailwen) or anyone else you guys would like/want as a Wage-Holder you can vote for them under this post as well. (The Most Trustful) we all know of.
- Their job is to collect the people's money who enters to play and to hand out the Prize Money to the winner.
- How to know that you won or lost, (once you die in that round you will not be allow back in the Battle Zone till the next round, but "only if you're in that class rank", therefor the last Male or Female 'standing' is the winner.
- Sorry but no Idols are allowed and neither are pots.

•Tips! Once In Battle
- For wondering "how can I win I'm a Druid” ? Easy … strategy
- carpets, brooms, run like "Forest Gump" for an example :lol:, have a friend that'll protect you for a bit, help heal friends to benefit you.

What you can expect to get out of these "Annual Royal Sundays"
•Tons of enjoyment
- Funnest, laughter, communication, 'Easy Fast Money', Xp of course, earning new/losing ranks, in some cases respect/haters :lol: and much much more.
- Spend less, and gain more, as well as making a player want to game more :)
- Will brings us all together as a community should.
- As well as winning up to 10-15k or even more, depending on how many players enter, which to enter only cost 500-1000 and this will go down every Sunday on Our Server which we are the BEST!

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:10 pm
by Aileron
Should be fun, but Sundays are for NFL games for me, so I can't be there :(

Good luck to all participants though!

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:49 am
by Fangkill
Will we be able to use idols?

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:58 am
by CommunityBot
This sounds like a great idea!

Good luck to everyone who enters!

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:19 pm
by GodOZilla
Will we be able to use idols?
Hi FangKill, sorry but unfortunately you cannot. The main reason why is we're trying to make this more of a strategy competition.

Also, it'll be easier to tell who lost and if you die you out, though you could continue to watch and root/cheer/support your team/friends from the ground edge before entering the battle zone.

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:11 pm
by RechargeRHH
What time will this happen, do we just show up to the arena?

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:34 pm
by GodOZilla
Hi there Recharge, It's a full day event buddy '24 hours' made it this way so everyone gets to play, because most people live in different time zones.

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:54 am
by Jonsa
Alright, Name: Jonsa Level: 49
Money 500

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:27 am
by keridwyn
Hey Zilla, great idea, thanks, sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

if it is a full day event, how does that work?

Will there be different rounds? If we r playing at diff times, how do u figure out at the end of the day who was the "last one standing"?

Re: Get Ready For Sunday's Royal Competition Morrigan

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:40 am
by Pestillence
Im in +