Clan Members of ZombieArmy are (ONLY allowed to participate to enter this event).
Here is how you win your prize of an $100 Buck iTunes gift.
Details : The competition is anyone in our clan that can gather 20,000 dust's gets the $100 bucks iTune's apple or email a gift code to his/her's whichever email... (YOU MUST NOT USE, OR SHARE YOUR CONNECTED IN-GAME EMAIL OF YOUR ACCOUNT REGISTRATION) - This is for your protection of your account and should not break any rules. Once the first person gather the 20,000 dust's, you have to turn them into me, "that way 20,000 dust's do not get passed to any other person in our clan or outside of clan". - This will stop anyone from cheating.
Questions about how to recieve your prize: You will have to mailbox me an email that is not connected to your account or any other person's account to celtic heroes. Once you do so I then will either from your choices, write the code to you in mailbox or use the email you sent and have iTunes send you a gift code from the gift apple that I purchased from iTunes be sent to your email that the winner has sent me through celtic heroes mailbox.
This competition will last till OTM takes away this event so it best to get a move on!
If have a question about how long is Celtic Heroes current event is please do contact them, and whatever they say is how long my event will last, (Remember you have to be the first person to gather 20,000 dust's).
Goodluck Clannies !
Sincerely, GodOZilla
ZombieArmy's iTunes apple or Email Code Give Away Competition
#1“Repetition Is The Key Father of Learning”
Started in since 2011 - O.G.
Server: Morrigan
Rogue: GodOZilla Level 220
YouTube Channel:
Started in since 2011 - O.G.
Server: Morrigan
Rogue: GodOZilla Level 220
YouTube Channel: