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Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:37 am
by JustinBeiber
Im editing this topic.

Re: Eternity

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:40 am
by JustinBeiber
deleted :]

Re: Eternity

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:50 am
by FacingHell
Lies..noone told u that u can ever join our clan!noone needs or likes kser like u.u kept begging me to join,then came to our dl bosses and said ill help put of grp,then u started to pull mobs and ks our u realy hope ull get in a good clan after this?pfffft,i never pm u two fat buts,and i never said anyone that we need u!and WE found 165 5* and noone called us there so stfu

Re: Eternity

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:29 am
by annabeth
Lol lie more.. You threatened to pull mobs if we didnt let u in clan and group.. And we didnt and that is exactly wat we did, you got mad and pulled the mobs, the aoe of the mobs made us die and u stole the lock as our clan was trying to defend off the mobs that u pulled... So thx so much for lying and tryna brag about ur ks.....

Re: Eternity

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:46 am
by Annihilation
And the worst part is that he named his toon Justin Beiber...

Re: Eternity

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:28 pm
by Tuula
And the worst part is that he named his toon Justin Beiber...
+1. A classic ks and he even brags about it. Nothing to be proud of really.

Re: Eternity

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:57 am
by JustinBeiber
Deleted :}

Re: Eternity

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:13 am
by Awe :)
JB I called you for that Guy with tribal Blade once you called swordslasher didn't group me and Said I couldn't help anyways. You're the meanie, facing is kind and polite

Re: Eternity

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:44 am
by Aralus
You guys clearly don't know get it. This point is Eternity is a clan that is disrespectful , greedy , and they are complete liars. I have a pic that proves you said I can join! And the name of a character doesn't ****** matter!
Oh, wat happened to your previous posts about you not lying and you going to change*? I guess thts all lies. You brought mobs, kid so I guess you going back to zero again

Re: Eternity

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:45 am
by Aralus
A new clan called Eternity was using me to help them for dlord bosses. First , I asked FacingHell is I could join Eternity and she said Yes , if I keep helping them with bosses. So I've been helping Eternity with about 3 dlord bosses (5* and 6*). Then when I saw Royal Captain ( 165 5*) up I called them. SwordSlasher was there too and FacingHell whispered to him '' I'm not going to invite JB , I'm just using him to help with dlord bosses".Then Sword told me IRL about what FacingHell told him and I knew it was time for revenge! :) so they were killing Royal Captain and when it was about 95% dead , It called for help ( almost all the mobs were attacking them) and it unlocked so me and sword started to attack and when it died we were so happy because we got . Unfortunately , We only got a red gem :( Well....thats the story of a clan called Eternity. Watch out for them!
And completely ffs. We did not require any of your help. You came and brought mobs. And guess what, later sword told me you were using his device to move mobs. Great story you told there, but I'm afriad it aint gona work.