Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:09 am
Kilt, you must wish you hadn't come back to this server! I apologise for your posts getting taken out/locked, when all you did was make a polite, concise and factual statement, to the effect that I was not the reason your Pav clan folded. I have had no contact with you for nearly an entire year (until you came back on Morrigan last week), and your statement held no venom for any group or individual on this server. It is utterly incredible that another player on this server keeps maliciously stating to a clan I used to be in that I 'ruined' your Pav clan and when you simply spoke the truth on this forum, as in I didn't, that player runs to Support as some kind of 'victim' and your post is then removed, Anyway, some players will have read your statement and by it my very damaged reputation on this server, has at least been partly salvaged. This duplicitous player in question,who by your statement has been exposed for what he is, a liar, had neither the dignity or moral courage to apologise for his lie. In his desperate attempts to save his own, now completely tarnished, reputation he has tried twice on this forum to paint himself as a victim and when that didn't work he runs like a child to Support so as to repress the truth. He should take note of that well known saying, 'Truth will out' (Shakespeare again....I think The Merchant Of Venice?). Fact is, the more you try and suppress a lie the more you invite investigation into it. Even a President of the USA, and thus most powerful man on earth, Tricky Dicky (Richard Nixon), discovered that. Have a nice day Poodle :-)
Thanks again Kilt and I'm really glad to know things are going better for you on the other world you play. You deservedly commanded a lot of respect on this one and are not forgotten precisely because of that!
Thanks again Kilt and I'm really glad to know things are going better for you on the other world you play. You deservedly commanded a lot of respect on this one and are not forgotten precisely because of that!