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To members of ShadowClan

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:12 pm
by ShadowClan
You are welcome to join the clan boss battles, but you are not forced to. If you want to bank a drop, please mail ''ShdwClanBank'.

If you need help on a quest, you can ask the Clan for help and they will get to you as soon as they can.

If you don't see the Clan Bank online, please mail her what you need and she will send it as soon as she can.

PS: Thanks Shadow

Re: To members of ShadowClan

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:18 pm
by RedDogy
Dang I thought this would be a reference to a book series I LOVE.

Re: To members of ShadowClan

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:26 am
by ShadowClan
Haha sorry bout that, shouldve made a better title xP