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MrWigglo is a scammer

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:03 am
by Jonsa
MrWigglo had been at Stonevale Farm with me while he traded me. He wanted my connacht vanquisher helmet for his icelord but instead he changed it to a broadsword and won't give me the icelord, Admin please read this and get me my things back and ban him please.

Re: MrWigglo is a scammer

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:12 am
by ImYourDad :0
So uve been playing this game for all this time jonsa??! And i joined this world 3 weeks ago and im level 60 on my mage?? Shameful :roll:

Re: MrWigglo is a scammer

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:15 am
by Jonsa
STOP NECRO POSTING! This was made early 2012 when the name and shame was not here!! Now stop locking all my posts!

Re: MrWigglo is a scammer

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:58 am
by keridwyn
Reported this as a necro post
OP also complete BS imo.
Wigglo is a great guy

Re: MrWigglo is a scammer

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:45 pm
by Zapper
Have known Wiggsy since Golgatha days and he is a dear lad. Later he came into AdAstra and can only be described as a massive asset. He is easy going in temperament, has a good sense of humour and is honest. I don't ever remember him even asking for anything in AdAstra and finally I had to just about force him to accept an item he needed.

While I think we should all have the right to openly expose and discuss notorious scammers and/or bullies on this forum (as we did with one player who for the entire time he has been a player on Morrigan has done nothing but bully, boast and also steal), I think Jonsa, by suddenly damning a player well known for being the opposite of a scammer, is not terribly sensible. It is that kind of 'naming and shaming' that has made CH introduce such strict rules, which in turn then drive us nuts when we can't openly expose well known cheats.

In my experience of this game, honest players rarely become corrupt. Please do not take this as some personal insult, it is not meant as such, but I think when it comes to accusing a player known amongst us for his honesty as being a scammer, you would be wiser to contact support rather than naming him here. By declaring him a scammer here, you in fact only harm your own reputation.

Re: MrWigglo is a scammer

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:56 pm
by Voldemort
Locked. Don't necropost. Jonsa, I understand that this was a year before the rule was implemented, so I shall take no further action.