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These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:51 pm
by Voldemort

This forum board has been spawning flame wars left, right and centre and it's occurring too often. Therefore, I have decided that I will be locking every topic which I deem to possibly descend into a war as a prophylaxis.

I am open to unlock the topic if I get enough evidence, via PM, that an argument/hostile talk will not spawn. If an argument does spawn, the offenders will be issued with a warning, and this can include the OP depending on where the argument began.

This is your warning. This board is by far the most moderated and it's nothing to be proud of.

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:37 pm
by Woodcrown
U are so sensitive mod :). I dont even know him, i was just reading the posts in here and i saw that its not healthy for players to read those rants, etc. And this is a forum that all people can read and post reply lol. Tell OTM to make auto filter, so even when we typing the thread they can track it and block it after we sent it. That is the better way to make ur job easier.
And that guy even felt so important that my thread was targeting him haha... Its clearly showed me that he might be one of the ppl in those types. Hehe.. No hard feeling mister... Whatever ur name is :). Keep writing thou if that is ur speciality. I didnt even care to reply u, cause u r not important for me. I was talking in general just by seeing the titles on page 1 lol (ofc i read it all after that). So guys, cmon, dont hiding behind the wording, play and settle ur problem in game, like a true heroes lol (well its still a fake, cause its a virtual char). But just pretending like a real one and men up! Haha... Bye mister :lol:

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:52 pm
by FacingHell
U are so sensitive mod :). I dont even know him, i was just reading the posts in here and i saw that its not healthy for players to read those rants, etc. And this is a forum that all people can read and post reply lol. Tell OTM to make auto filter, so even when we typing the thread they can track it and block it after we sent it. That is the better way to make ur job easier.
And that guy even felt so important that my thread was targeting him haha... Its clearly showed me that he might be one of the ppl in those types. Hehe.. No hard feeling mister... Whatever ur name is :). Keep writing thou if that is ur speciality. I didnt even care to reply u, cause u r not important for me. I was talking in general just by seeing the titles on page 1 lol (ofc i read it all after that). So guys, cmon, dont hiding behind the wording, play and settle ur problem in game, like a true heroes lol (well its still a fake, cause its a virtual char). But just pretending like a real one and men up! Haha... Bye mister :lol:
Ehh..saw few of ur posts on here,havent read.Who are u?

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:00 pm
by pigman
just posting that i support vold decision here, i choose not to moderate the morrigan board to avoid accusations of or expecting favouritism to my own clan so it is his discretion and i feel he is making a fair choice

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:20 pm
by Voldemort
Woodcrown, I feel you are intending to start an argument even on this thread...

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:50 pm
by oNi
Read both of these threads, two different threads from different worlds, both with people arguing the point that it's 'just a game'.

The Turning Away

Its just a game!

One thread a person respectfully replies and counters the point of it being just a game, there's healthy discussion back and forth. They stick to the points and don't bring up irrelevant conjecture about the other person to strengthen their argument. It ends with the person whom was arguing it's 'just a game' actually conceding on one of the points he was arguing. A HEALTHY discussion.

Now look at the other thread. The complete opposite.

Now the friendly Magustra from Danu (lots of great discussion in Danu btw) thankfully pointed this thread out to us. I think he did so as a learning lesson to ALL of us. We can have a healthy forum being able to discuss and argue points if we follow their lead.

No forum is going to be all one way happy everyone agreeing with each other. A healthy forum is one where people can argue different points and if they don't come to agreement just agree to disagree. Where you can respectfully discuss the problems in it and try to learn and grow from them instead of ignoring them. For if you just ignore the problems without addressing or pointing them out you're just going to run into the same problems in the future.

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:23 pm
by SweetShadow
Thank You Vold.. Your correct Morrigan forum needs some serious moderating. The naming/shaming and insinuating of players has been going on for months. Sadly there's players joining the forum just to stand up for themselves against such violations of another's doing. Hopefully now we'll all have peace ;)

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:27 pm
by Voldemort
Oni, I replied to your PM and you seem to have posted the same thing on this forum.

A healthy discussion doesn't involve hostile comments. Notice how the OP in the first thread you linked me to has written his post in a completely different style to some of the topics that I have locked. It doesn't intend to start an argument. The topic I locked sounded more aggressive and accusative, along with an indirect message to a user.

I am not going to turn this thread into an argument too. I am going to look through the forums now, but this forum board is very draining to look at. Please PM me if there are any issues.

I have deleted posts on this thread which will evidently lead to arguing.

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:59 pm
by oNi
Vold, it's not the OP in the first thread arguing the point of it being 'just a game'. The OP of that thread, Merlin, actually makes a great in depth post about how people play the game. The 8th post down from PurpleKn1ght in reply to the OP is what I'm referring to.
I do not see anyway one can be so serious about a free mmorpg, a game. Congratulations to all that fare well or that have achieved endgame, but what has that done for you? In the end this is a game. It is the individuals choice to play how they wish to play, and to what extent they allow the game to affect their real lives. Merlin, how your words are wise or deep are not seen by me as your words fall flat to the truth that this game clouds the mind from the truth that this game does not accomplish anything and having items, caring for others, being whoever you are, whether it be a scammer or truthful soul, impacts nobody in all actuality.
This started a very healthy back and forth discussion about it being 'just a game' or not. The OP or even Magustra whom was the one to counter PupleKn1ght, could have easily taken offense to this reply asking what achieving endgame has done for people and the OP's words falling flat to the truth. Neither takes offense or goes beyond sticking to what Purple had to say. That's the point I'm trying to make.

Re: These Forums

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 8:05 pm
by Cysero
If the moderators had no pity to ban people here, I promise you that Morrigan would be desertic.. :|