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Sad end.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:43 am
by Cysero
Title can have many explanation.
Mine is that I got banned from joining clans, all clan refused me and didn't even want me to participate in bosses. I can't stay alone in game, I like motivation and bosses.
So here I'm saying, that I'm quitting this game. Not only because of clan, but because I lost everything.
Many thanks to friend who always were here to support ( Like Crim and Seela ).
All my best Morrigan, Cysero now is gone, without any trace.

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:41 am
by Jonsa
Gonna miss you buddy... Please come back? : )

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:03 am
by FruitcakeLuuk
NOOOOOO CYSEROOOOOO, gthemsmnchfjeschejw dude why

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 1:40 pm
by Lynxx
All luck cys!

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 1:59 pm
by Zapper
Cys, DS hasn't 'banned' you lad!! So not very fair of you to say 'all clans' have. According to Bd he recruited you back to DS yesterday and no clan will appreciate you more if only you could get it into your head that what ever clan you are in needs you to STAY! Aeslyn explained it to you on here and not in any nasty way, but to help YOU Cys. So if you have now gone it is your own inability to stick with a clan that has caused that, not as you claim, an entire server of clans refusing you entry. Really what it comes down to is your own impatience and not finding the game interesting enough. That is your right and of course if that is the case you are wise to leave, but please don't make it appear that there is some Morrigan 'plot' against you, as in chiefs of all clans banning you. There has never been a time when DS did anything but appreciate you and that must be true of Kes's clan cos she even made you a Gen. I can't think Triq didn't appreciate you either, but as Aeslyn made clear to you, if you constantly clan hop it naturally makes leaders of all clans wonder if you will ever stay. Anyway, all best wishes to you lad and certainly not playing game at all is much better than being addicted to the damn thing, especially at your age when you should be experiencing the real world far more than a cyber one.

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:15 pm
Oh! Sorry to see u leave Cysero i personally will miss seeing you. You have always been kind to others and a great friend to me. I do hope u stop in from time to time even just to say hi. God Bless and take care Cysero.

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:37 pm
by Pdizz
This is sad to see. Good luck.

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:13 am
by Oakles
I'm gonna miss you Cys :cry:

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 6:19 pm
You could of joined demonstar...,
Anyway cant believe your going buddy :(
Hope you come back soon.

Re: Sad end.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 11:00 pm
by Zapper
Master Cysero! Come back this instant. Look at the good wishes on here, that must tell you that guys like you loads. Look at the great level of your Main, also your alt! Don't chuck it all away.....also new Event starts June something new! Why not at least take a look at it, have some fun with that and then come back to game when we are all back to dark, cold winter. I don't know why you think all clans have banned you....look at UM's can come to DS anytime lad (well, I am not an officer but am sure they would take you again). We all have people who don't like us in game Cys, and we don't like everyone we know. It doesn't matter lad, you do have good and true friends on CH. I have played for two years (with 6 months absence at one point), if I left tomorrow only my clan would notice, and I certainly wouldn't announce it on here cos many guys in game would be delighted! So you have achieved LOADS more than I ever did; you are a popular guy and you don't have enemies, let alone your claim of all clans not wanting you.