This idea reminds me of something my wife said years ago, 'Communism was a great idea that didn't work in practice'.
This is an 'ideal' rather than an 'idea'. What chief of any high level clan is going to merrily send his over 100s to a new clan which he/she has no say in running? And that presumes over 100 levels would even agree to go.
I don't see Arro, Toastie and Bd happily waving off guys like Steappa, Lew, Aeslyn etc etc to a clan that is not established and is run by who exactly?
As to contributing gold and drops to this Republic clan...that is one hell of a risk in a game notorious for just about every type of craftiness known to mankind!
Recently Sioch called me to help them at Pyrus. They had camped it for ages but by the time it spawned their chief and some others were not able to attend. We raced to put a group together, asking trusted friends to help. Sadly someone in Sioch grouped FireGavin.....he got the crest and he walked with it! Well, that was his choice and good luck to him. But no way will I ever work with players like that. Players like Austin in ZA are great (helped him get a drag disc once), but in most clans there are, and always will be, people who will do all they can to keep very needed drops.
There is no easy way to making another Avalon and as I have stated before on this forum, it will NEVER happen unless their way of running a clan is adopted. It begins of course with the chief and really to make a clan extremely powerful that chief has to be on every single day and come on during the night too. He/she needs a few 100% honest and dedicated officers (in AV this is three Guards I think....not a single Gen!). Not only is drop devision based on individual performance within that clan (in other words no cronyism), but those very powerful and thus extremely valuable boss and event boss jewellery pieces all AV clansmen have, are NEVER sold on outside the clan (other than the odd out dated Grim and it is done openly , not some AV whispering with, 'Hey dude I can sell you X if you pay well').
That alone is genius cos its stops anyone outside of AV becoming as strong as anyone inside it! The success of Avalon is because of these things and that is why it is extremely hard for another clan to come close to rivalling them. As I also stated before, hating your competition is NOT the route to beating them. Studying them and adopting their ways is far wiser. ZA was, and still is, a very strong clan but it still has leadership elements within it that 'hate' Avalon. That achieves nothing. It simply reeks of a childlike jealousy. There is a tiny element in Avalon that I don't like one bit, but it would be absurd to then hate their entire clan. The fact is, they are not Número Uno in Morrigan by luck, but rather a superb leadership system which makes them all stay!
So a huge 'Republic' clan, no doubt run by someone imagining they are Fidel Castro (fighting the 'Imperialist' Avalon) would not last, (even if it got off the ground). The ex chief of Golgatha thought he was Castro (or at least conned his clan into thinking he was on some great moral crusade to defeat 'evil' Avalon). In reality he was a greedy, ruthless and completely corrupt fantasist.
Am not knocking your youthful idealism but I just don't see how your ideal would work in practice.
A clan that can rival one such as Avalon. In years of playing, in infrequent or frequent, long or short periods of time, I can tell you, as you probably already know, nothing like this has ever really succeeded. The clans that were once the best before Avalon existed either weren't good enough or fell apart to form Avalon. And that was the end of that - they have been in the general lead ever since.
It makes you think about how a clan as strong as that was formed. It's then that you can understand the principle of what exactly Zapper has said here. In order to form a clan as robust as Avalon, you need to do just that: study them, adopt their ways. Leadership and collaboration is key.
Rather than repeat everything Zapper has said, I will simply say that I agree with every word.
Communism is indeed a fantastic ideal, but the reality of it often is not anything near expectations.
I think it could work with the right leader. It would take time, and a lot of the filtering out of those bad apples that make any clan crumble and collapse (this is why a level requirement and a solid application process, as well as solid leadership that creates the right environment is
absolutely vital, straight off the bat). For a start, Avalon votes their clan members in. What I don't understand is how any other clan has failed to adopt something exactly like this: no exceptions, no invitations, even if you whisper the chief or generals asking to be invited.
You must apply, and you must get enough positive votes.