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Warning Fake Wickedness

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:38 pm
by SweetShadow
There's a fake Wickedness spelled Wickednesss, with 3 sss.
I would never ask anyone for a thing not even a nature's spirit, please be careful and remember if its a lvl 1 using another players name they are a scammer and you should report that account immediately and pass word to all your clannies and friends about the scammer. It would be nice if we could make a broadcast to all our friends in these situations, it would limit scammers and protect alot of players.
Ty to all that has already reported that account and sent me wisps warning me ;)
They even tried scamming my mount off sweets using my alts name lmao....

Happy Gaming guys and again much thx for the heads up ;)

Re: Warning Fake Wickedness

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:14 pm
by Cysero
Fake you asked for my fiery axe of conquest :lol:
She/he/unknow said : Hey cys, can you borrow me your axe? My alt need please!!