if I know you I'll probably send the money to you in the mail but, shop for me!
Paying 30k for a red set of Sanghal.
Trading a 80% phoenix for 80% stormskimmer or 70% carpet: I get motion sickness from staffs now.
Oh yeah & post below if you will do it and I will confirm I chose you by sending you the cash/item
Buying a few things.
#1★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
I'm a Forums Guide, if you need help feel free to PM me
Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
I'm a Forums Guide, if you need help feel free to PM me
Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!