by makalee
Your age? 20
Your gender? male
Your level? 39 warrior, 10 druid
Your class? warrior, druid
When did you start playing? 3 weeks ago
Whats your favorite thing to do in the game? Getting my quest done, and grouping to kill big boss.
What other clans have you been in ? So far only infinity.
Why do you want to become a guardian for INFINITY?
I want to be more helpful and resourceful.
What can you offer as a Guardian?
I can show new members how to gain xp quick and become stronger. Giving advice and answering questions .
You are grouping with two other clan members, you beat a boss and get an item drop worth 10k gold, you get the drop and both of the other clan members are obviously jealous and both begin to ask you for the item, how would you handle this situation?
I will give 3k to each member and make sure they're both ok with the decsion.
Your having fun with a group defeating a boss, right in the middle of that an arguement starts up in the clan chat, one player is saying the other is being mean and rude to him and wants him to get kicked from the clan, the one being accused of being mean is denying that he is being mean, and there is no proof of anything said, how would you handle this situation?
I will tell both members to stop and ask for both side of the story. With no proof I will only try to make both members cool down.