Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Guess what!

DarkREALM has officially resigned! You may catch me there on occasion. Peace!
Name - 5000 (5k)
Class - ranger
Lvl - 76+
Clan BadaBing

I am the Almighty PlayerOne from Crom, I quit there but this is merely just for my friends!

Why is there the need for hate?

Re: Guess what!

DarkREALM has officially resigned! You may catch me there on occasion. Peace!
That was kind of quick bud. Done with rhiannon already?
Jarhead -- Ranger - Lvl 153
LeatherNeck -- Warrior - Lvl 145
DevilDog -- Druid - Lvl 137
Mars -- Rogue - Lvl 91

Re: Guess what!

Shoulda joined a real clan.
Pre-Update 5
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201

Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161

Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96

Re: Guess what!

Shoulda joined a real clan.
Lol, I think he joined Sin cause Sin actually puts perspective into the members it chooses, and dosnt pick up any garbage off the street.
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: Guess what!

Im sorry, but i dont understand.... You get mad at me when i defend my clan, yet you do things to purposely provoke and poke em, expecting like im just gonna stand by and watch.

*** off duec. If any of the guards/gens from Eve didnt say stuff to prove us, then I would never smarten up and i wouldnt say things. You guys think your the best clan in game basing your answers off the online rankings which is a complete joke.
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: Guess what!

Beef between deuc and notso?

Are these comments going to continue? I've seen es start it a couple times but this one is on you, deuc. Lets show some maturity and put this nonsense behind. I, of all people would know the difference between being in eve and es. I know each person has their own preference but the organization of es is unmatched and there are actual consequences to rule breaking. I'm still very neutral to this conflict between the two clans but don't hold one person accountable for the whole clan. This goes for everyone, es or eve.

Cya, dark. I hope you've learnt a thing or two here in rhiannon hehe
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

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