Looking to xfer these items from mabon to rhiannon.
Purple party hats
1500idols, 100 of each hero attack, energy, hp lix
Red and blue spirit charms
New event masks - Ghostly and spectral white wolf masks, ghostly purple skull, ens green skull, spectral and ghostly black witch masks, spectral and ghostly green witch masks, fiery white witch mask.
80/30 legend drag staff
Imperial str yule charm
Ens white spider Top, gloves, boots.
Full sunbound purple ardmair
Full black snowbound fg Top and legs
Sparkly white, purp, blue crowns
White pirate Top, legs, eyepatch, gloves
Black pirate sets
Comrak stormleaf necklace 100/100 str vit
Hp grand/mighty sunfire rings
Ens black spider legs
Imperial rogue yule helm
Rarest bolgs/boggan charms
Yulestaves and 2013 xmas hat sets
If you can xfer any pm me using forums, leave a message below on which you can do or mail me in game my name in game is Mecki on both rhiannon and mabon also i accept gold for any of the above items.
Looking to xfer from mabon to rhiannon
#1Rogue - Mecki Level 226
Rogue - Creativity Level 210
Warrior - Private Level 215
Ranger - Level 180+
Worlds - Mabon, Epona and rhiannon
Rogue - Creativity Level 210
Warrior - Private Level 215
Ranger - Level 180+
Worlds - Mabon, Epona and rhiannon