Why cant we use forums instead of using Groupie/other applications?
Pros of Forums
- Known to everybody, whereas people wont know what Groupie is
- Easy to find anything, theres a search box whereas in Groupie you have to scroll through multiple, if not thousands of posts to find that one post that you need
- Easy to message anyone, whereas on groupie you have to friend someone before messaging them
- Easy to access on a PC, maybe its just me but Groupie on PC sucks
- More appealing to eye (again, everyone has different opinions)
- Easier to write long lists, groupie has a word limit (Maybe forums has word limit too but it definitely is bigger than Groupies)
- If needed, you can get help from OTM anytime, on Groupie you dont have them
- Doesnt crash!!! Biggest problem on groupie
- No likes, so you wont see ''like h$es'' on forums
- You can easily find your OWN posts
- Need a real email adress to sign up, on groupie you can create tons of fake profiles
- You can edit your posts (some will see that as a negative)
- Cant have private groups (eg. Clan Chats)
- Cant have a scammer list (No naming and shaming rule)
- Doesnt show if friends are online or not (Not that much of a problem tbh)
- Controlled by OTM staff
- Cant post anything offensive
Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)
Collector since 2013
Proud owner of Radiant Golden Black Wizard Charm (Less than 5 on Rhiannon)
Proud owner of Archfiend Wings of Dreams (Less than 5 on Rhiannon)
Proud Owner of 38 Charms! Each one is different!
Collector since 2013
Proud owner of Radiant Golden Black Wizard Charm (Less than 5 on Rhiannon)
Proud owner of Archfiend Wings of Dreams (Less than 5 on Rhiannon)
Proud Owner of 38 Charms! Each one is different!