IP address are always traceable to a certain area man. Its easy to compare and find out if someone connects from florida, then again from canada.
It would also be in OTM's favor to track these things. If a few people are screwing things up for a lot more people, and those people get discouraged and stop buying plat, OTM loses.
Your missing my point again let me define it again for you,
(Information from yahoo.answeres and 3G blog spot for mobile non-wifi users)
"Mobile data works the same way as Native Address Translation (NAT), but the mobile network doesn't use IP internally. Mobile phones don't have an IP address. Mobile phone uses the operator mobile communication network to reach GGSN, which is the gateway to IP networks and Internet in general. The IP address you see is the address of an operator (provider)
GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node)
Hence, currently you can only create mobile originated data connections between an IP server and mobile phone. The MSISDN (or more commonly, phone number) of the SIM apple is the identifying number for a mobile phone."
"When you connect to the Internet through a modem or Wi-Fi hotspot, the IP address through which you connect to the Web doesn't change.
Connectivity over 3G network, however, is another matter. The nature of mobile broadband access means that your 3G device changes IP addresses frequently" ( notice the bit highlited in
BOLD) (using 3G as a example)
So answer this IP changes frequently for Mobile networks I'm in no doubt that lots of CH player use Mobile network for Internet connection.. So we have the statement above stats mobile network Ip changes FREQUENTLY, but wait you said they can be narrowed down to a certain location obv yes... But what happens when you are TRAVELING (for work or whatever other reasons) every carries there phone on them all times ( one day I'm working in New Jersy 3 days later I'm working in Florida 2 different IP addresses in 2 different places yes? So I should get banned for that?)
Read carefully u seem to be not reading main facotors smoke's