Celtic Heroes

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Re: Message to all of RaptureEve

I don't get this thread..

What it basically is, is that Insain wants his clan to KS others, but doesn't want them KS'd in return... Seems foolish.

Everyone is allowed to do what they want.. Some clans have rules that stop their members KS'ing, however if their members are KS'd, I'm sure every single one of them will allow their members to retaliate.

Times have changed.. Use Target Lock as an outline and conduct yourself in an honorable manner.. Their should be no problems.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Message to all of RaptureEve

so insain talks all this smack, makes it out that his awesome new clan is rising and blah blah then a week later him and his two(?) clannies totally disappears from rhiannon? seems to me insane just talks out of his rear end and is living some kind of fantasy.
Clan: _RaptureEve_

chrisoliny- warrior lv165 hybrid (primary main)
DRCHRIS- druid lv125 full support (secondary main)
SneakyAngel- rogue lv90


Re: Message to all of RaptureEve

dam guys insain if another clan threatens u let it be no point of fighting back will only get worse also try to be respectful to everyone no smack talk -.- easy as tht if u had great rep at start non of this would happen just chill dude dam well everyone tht some big essay i didnt even bother to read kinda busy but ill read next time good luck and good luck with ur clan insain :lol: cya

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