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Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

No, we are all 1 clan. Just Guardians cover Warden > Frozen, Generals/Chief cover Dragonlord and all Raid Loot.

We are still just as strict with who we make clansman, we are just slightly more open with allowing people to show us what they got. Anyone that doesn't perform is removed (a few have been removed already), but we have also had more than a handful of great recruits, so it is working well :)
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Bowz, come riha man!!! Someone is looking to xfer with me to rihannon, pm me if you find someone!!
Royal and Bowz. You already on Rhia? I have just started a mage toon there and trying to transfer some of my lux across. Have too much on Mabon and some on Arawn. See you in game.
lvl193 warrior
lvl116 ranger
lvl111 mage
lvl110 druid
lvl178 rogue
lvl140 mage
lvl196 mage
lvl142 rogue

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

I respect hawk for earning his gear with sweat and blood. I also respect slade for standing up and being his own person. These high level clans need nothing more than a set amount of plat you have to purchase a month. That will solve all the problems. Lets say if you required everyone to spend $30 a month on plat your clan would have no issues or drama because everyone knows what is expected of them.

Looking forward to playing beside you all :).

Also I would agree that lvl 80 is an odd level for a top end clan but the dynamics of CH are very interesting. You make the lvl req high you steal high levels from other clans but then it dies off eventually. Especially in Rhia where you have the legacy of Rapture eve and how they formed your server. It is a unique server and elite clan domination doesn't quite work here as it does in other servers. It is also because the server is rich so people can afford to level without plat unlike every other server.
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

tbh i have more respect towards hawk then 60% of rhia.. i also trust him about 99% .. dont know why.. hes just the type who actually works for what he has and proves it... clan or clanless it doesnt matter.. and that is why they lowered lvl req because outs and eve was growing in number and power while they were shrinking... now theyre allowing a bunch of nubs... either way its their desicion..

best of luck
Nubs as low levels? or nubs as don't know any better? We were all low level nubs at some point. Am I a nub because my mage is only lvl100? Some worlds have a separate feeder clan system to get the low lvl players up to a higher lvl at which point they join end-game clan. Others only allow new players into clan if they are high (180+) lvl. Some - such as Innercircle - are doing something else. I don't get the big deal here.
lvl193 warrior
lvl116 ranger
lvl111 mage
lvl110 druid
lvl178 rogue
lvl140 mage
lvl196 mage
lvl142 rogue

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