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Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:07 pm
by exusarmyranger
How about we create a " Celtic Heroes Rhiannon Hall of Fame". The requirements need to be for only those that have contributed greatly to the game, but espcially in Rhiannon. The players that get entered into the "Rhiannon Hall of Fame" need to be players that can be considered "Ambasadors" of the game.

The players that I would like to add to the 1st Rhiannon Hall of Fame entries are :

Naevia2 : Nae doesn't play any longer due to issues in her personal life. Nae was always very nice and fair to all the player in Rhiannon regardless of clan affliation, and she also helped many players out. Nae is a complete sweetheart. If you read this Nae...we miss ya.

Arwan : Arwen is the Guardian of the most powerful clan in Rhiannon. She also help create the "Rhiannon" rules for engaging the big bosses and what would consitute a "ks". Arwen is also very nice and helpful to all and is definately a great ambasador of the game.

Mahdi : Mahdi is the type of person that would almost give you the shirt of your back to help you. He has helped many, many players. Mahdi also stays at the top of the leaderboards on the server.

These are just my recomemendations. If there are any other players that you think should be added, please feel free to do so. Oh, and SirSomkesAlot will never make it on this list :)

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:30 pm
by MasterHealer
I'd like to add

Rapidx and Juggernaut- these guys helped run eternal sin after Kslay left and helped it stay up and running.

Chickentooth- Chicken tooth, guardian of eve. He helped from lvl 1-50 when lvl 50 was eves requirement he literally stood next to me casting cloak and lure of fire and giving me elixers to kill Luther to lvl to 50. He is one of the most helpful players you'll meet in Rhiannon.

Last but not least

Kslay- I don't know where he went but when he ran eternalsin he always asked if anyone needed anything, quest help, frags, rems, and alot more. Then after the update he left and he hasent came back. :( id like us all to remember Kslay :)

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:37 pm
by exusarmyranger
I would have to definately agree with those entries. Those are all awesome ambasadors to our server and to the game :)

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:54 pm
by Notsofast
I nominate Paddle, Perless, and Xerxerstoy
Those guys are always willing to help us in boss fights, and they spend countless hours to camp bos spawns ( even if they don't need the crests). They're willing to help beginners out, and give a lot of time for this game.

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:54 pm
by Notsofast
Oh and SirSmokesAlot too :D

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:37 pm
by sonic895
I think these people should be on list

lnfinity- for having one of the biggest collections of.....stuff in whole game probably

Jayj- For being an AWSOME friend in game, he has been one of the coolest people i have ever met in a game. This dude is very helpful and is always cool to chat with

and those are the people i think should also be on list, thanks for reading this (if you are) have a nice day

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:45 pm
by Infinity
Rhiannon hall of fame should hold Darkchlyde and Deucalion for sure.

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:33 pm
by xXSKITZXx99
Mothernature, jjay, arwen, gacob

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:00 pm
by Infinity
This is stupid.

Re: Rhiannon Hall of Fame

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:48 am
by MrMcDougle
IamTEADLE69 should be in there he is the coolest player left in rhiannon other than Laei and Jjay.