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Secrets joining Rhiannon?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:00 pm
by rouge1235
Hello Rhiannon. This is Secrets from world Taranis. I am goin to join ur world (u probably knew tht from title :roll: ). I will to trades with u on Taranis. Eg: Anc plate greaves on Taranis for Anc silk, anc lammelar, or anc plate on Rhiannon. A bronze energy for bronze energy, or bronze health on Rhiannon. And you get my point (or do you? ;) ). BLRD-7, I shall most likely do what u said to do if someone joined Rhiannon and PM u. So if any Rhiannonians see me wandering ur forums, this is why. My name shall be..., IceMongrel, and a mage. If you would try and get me in strong clans (not nessecarily elite, but just strong), I would greatly appreciate it.