Buying 60 super combo elixirs 650K
#1Hey, I am buying 60 super combo elixirs for 650K. But you need to have the plat because I want the elixirs on Danu Server. So what you would do is make a noob char on danu server. Plat on your acct is the same across all chars and servers so you would have access to your plat on danu. Then get the elixirs there and trade them to me. I would be giving you 650K on Rhianon for this from my char Tdinero. My char on Danu is Guffy. I will genereally give money first to you, unless something seems sketchy then perhaps we could use a middleman who we both trust like Arawan or someone trustworthy who would hold coins til I got elixirs, then give. But if your a trustworthy person I wouldn't mind going first. This ends up being over 300G per plat. Please reply here if interested as I won't be on Tdinero tons. Thanks.