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LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:36 am
by LadyRosethorn
Hello Rhiannon,

LadyBANK is NOT me, (LadyRosethorn). Do not trade her, this truely demented individual scams. It seems she is trying to destroy my good name in addition to gaining good stuff. A personal vendetta against me as well as RaptureEve and is just plain creepy in addition to being a coward.

My alts are: LadyKuroiBara, LadySaevaRosa, LadyMelysRose, Lioness, Domina, Minerva, Cheetah, and TheBlackWidow.

I will not ask for items on my alts (ha. i never ask for anything anyways...) so dont give anything for lite bank/eve bank to her. If you are ever in doubt as to wether its truely me on a alt (bc im sure once this one fails, she will make a new one, prob some variation of my alts above) simply ask me to log on my main. i will be thrilled to do it for you and a little caution goes a long way to not being scammed.

Some screen shots of our convo:
A few other things that were mentioned: She has apparently already scammed a few of my eves. she says that she is not killingwarria (i have had significant problems with her, her calling me b*tch, harrassing me and just plain rude) but that she is a good friend of hers. I think this toon may be killingwarria. either way- Im going to ks the hell out of killingwarria and all who stands with her. She can blaim her actions if it is her, or this "friend". who knows, maybe if she is wise she can tell her friend to knock it off. No one messes with my family without getting one pissed off witch who will fry them to a crisp on their tail. :evil:

I know some of you will not agree with me ks-ing someone on the suspicion of her being this scammer, but frankly i dont give a F*ck what you think about it (no offense, simply bc im going to do it anyways. If any of you have heard the song "go to sleep" by eminem...yea, its like that now). I have my reasons above and its enough for me. I gave LadyBANK a warning that i was going to Ks Killingwarria if she didnt stop. Shrug, i do not give fake warnings. You all know me and know what im like....I dont make a whole lot of enemies. so the list of people who would target me as such is very limited.

also in the convo: seems shes trying to scam eves bc all the high levels in her clan left for eve/lite (including herself) and she was kicked....she blaims eve for destroying her clan. Ha. considering we havn't gotten a large influx of members recently, i think this is a load of bs. And even if it wasnt- (to LadyBANK) Dont blaim Eve for failing to make your own clan a success. If members were happy, content, and loyal to your clan they would not have left. *cough* didnt you also say that you were kicked from my clan? yea that means you left your clan too, you hypocrite *cough* :lol:

As for paying you the 250k to stop....bite my shiny metal ass. Wish they had a smiliy that would let me give the finger, but hey *shrug* Its on my christmas wish list.



Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:04 am
by FalconX
Saw this person in castle and friend asked if it was you but I knew it wasnt but thanks for the heads up now I can be 100% sure.

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:07 am
by Ghandi
Hopefully admin will see this and ban the him/her we don't need players like that here

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:16 pm
by Mariner91
Wth does this keep happening...

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:01 pm
by Jarhead
Oh no!! I gave them 6 dragons, two red crests of lions and 100k! Noooo.

Ha, come on now Lady... It'd be too obvious that its not you the second that they open there mouth. Never fails that someone has to be a complete ass per your screen shots...

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:35 am
by Yourtoxin
I have been asked if i am That scammer. I am not that noob who tries to ruin people's rep. Howd i get brought up onto this? Btw an eve asked me if i was her.

-Dark the Rogue-

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:23 am
by xMaori_RESPECT
Maybe crookbacks, i seem to remember a flood of them coming in at one stage.

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:26 am
by LadyRosethorn
Nah its killingwarria. found out more stuff today that def points to her.

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:52 am
by xMaori_RESPECT
Ah, ***

Re: LadyBANK scammer alert

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:23 am
by TheAnvil
Hey all,

Ladybank2 got in CrookBacks clan three times yesterday... And was instantly kicked by me three times.

I alerted our clan members on this. We don't have space for those lousy scumbags.

Cya in the fields,

TheAnvil of Rhiannon
General to CrookBacks