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To Deucaleon!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:05 am
by malky70
Before I start and someone goes "omg, silly redhead bint ranting!" - this isn't a rant, it's a meeting of minds outside of... more shouty elements and, ultimately, a thank-you. So...

I absolutely understand your pain in having many mouths in Eve. That must be one of the major downsides of being in a huge clan. But, what we outside of the big clans see quite often is guys in full frozen, on 20 minute log-on-take-a-peek-log-off cycles, ready to pounce on any boss that dares show its head, be damned who gets FFA'd in the process. I know that's not how you guys see it - you're trying to do the best you can for your clannies, which is fine, but the perception engendered to the outside world becomes less of a "caring clan" and more of an "Evel Empire" (see what I did there? ;) )

To put over our perspective (or, in the main, that of the shouty element...) - it's not farming for us. The people that go and wait for hours for a chance at a boss do so because they need that boss. You did tell me "we have a lot of mains that need" - but my response to that is, where were they? If they needed, why weren't they out there camping for their supper? (So to speak...) Having a full-frozen army do their work for them... Not sure that's... Well, it perhaps gets me crosser than it should. The shouty element in question has lit. been out there on and off for days, when he's not helping other people, trying to get to the point where he can claim things for himself. Which he has done, and that is why he got somewhat angsty. That finally being on the verge of a personal journey's end kinda thing.

So, that's our point of view. Everything matters to you because you have a huge resource overhead. Everything matters to us because it's close to the heart. I'm not sure there's any resolution to that.

However... (Yes, I know, this is all essay-like - bear with!), one thing I will say is that the large clans kinda have a duty of care to the game. Mainly because, if they so choose, they could wreck the game for everyone. If Eve or Sin "went bad", it could pretty much spell the end for many people playing CH. Which is why I kinda laugh a bit at all the posts saying "Eve is bad", or "Sin is bad" - because that's not my experience and I can easily see what the game would be like if it were the case. But that is a point I want to make - if you want to be THAT big, you have to understand that your responsibilities to the game extend beyond the boundaries of your clan.

So... (Phew... Sorry if I've wrecked anyone's lunchbreak...) - In the light and spirit of all my ramblings above... Imagine my surprise and delight. For that, I thank you. And in light of that, I apologise if anything Mr Shouty or I said hurt any. If we came across as such, I hope explaining our viewpoint helps you understand why. But, given what could have happened, I thank you for what actually happened. True spirit of the game xx

(Unless it was purely that your iPod crashed - in which case :P ;) )

Re: To Deucaleon!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:04 pm
by Deucaleon
Wow, where do I start? First... Thanks for the fan-mail! I try to read as many as I can between 20 min log ins. :D

Clans come and go ... especially the small ones. Even some big ones (infinity) They only stay together with good leadership, and we have the best Chief in the game hands down. Take a bow Arwen.

It may not seem fair to you right now, but as your clan grows you take on new players that need Drags and minds and crests too. When your clan gets what they need from Falgren (he can spawn every hour) you will do what? Camp Rockbelly and then Deadroot, swamplord, Lavalord, etc and expect us to stand aside because your clan needs them? We've been camping Falgren for over a year. He used to be impossible to kill. Try taking all your level 50s - 80's and kill him. I'll even stand aside and watch that! Since you and the other two you camp Falgren with are well over that level (130+ yourself) and have full Diamond gear; you can't help. You are doing the same thing we are doing.... I just dont waste my time standing there for hours.

We will not break the Ffa rules. We will not KS you. We are a clan run by adults and we try to act like adults.

And yes... You musta got lucky cause I logged at the wrong time. See you ingame and maybe we can set up an 'old tyme Falgren fight! It would be great!

Re: To Deucaleon!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:13 pm
by malky70
Nonono - There was no expectation for you to stand aside. We were kinda expecting FFA - and we would have accepted that, as we try and stick to the rules too. I was just offering my thoughts freely and without prejudice :)
Just in the spirit of engendering a two-way understanding of each other. I respect Eve and Sin and what they represent as the powerhouses of Rhiannon.
And yes, I know clans come and go. What, three? Maybe four? Have fallen apart since I've been playing, and I don't know how many small ones. Hopefully I'm here for the long haul, though (seems to have worked so far), if not for the power play :)

Re: To Deucaleon!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:44 pm
by OlSlim
I want it all!!! The world is mine!! The world is mine!!!

Re: To Deucaleon!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:55 pm
by Notsofast
Omg, an ol' time falg fight. Pleaseeeeeeee

Re: To Deucaleon!

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:01 am
by malky70
Hey, y'know I ain't old enough for it to be old time t'me ;)