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Mage armour

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:48 am
by TheTacoBandit
Is it worth going above Expensive Farcrag castle armour for mage (cant remember armour name think it is Sorcerous) because the armour isn't THAT much better than Sorcerous till you get to Flint but by that level you might as well go for Warden so is it worth buying ancient for mage?

Re: Mage armour

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:26 am
by Airrius
It all depends how fast you level. If you plan on being sub 50 for a while then get the ancient silk bp and legs and try getting hero boots/gloves and see if anyone has an old bat or moon mask you could use. If you plan on leveling fast save ur gold for flint/opal/adamant and use quest armor and learn to love eshield. Also an off hand shield will help a mage tons, get a banded/renforced buckler or a lux shield (mighty crown of spirits or energy is aesome on a low level mage or druid). The off hand shield will help immensly solo leveling.