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InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:47 pm
by Perl
Having a small group of leaders manage all levels in the game is unrealistic. Many clans including ourselves have chosen to form a sub-clan. This sub-clan works with players new to the game and helps them level and develop. This is all done with the hopes of being able to join the main-clan once they achieve the requirements. For InnerCircle this has not worked for various reasons.

This has led us to develop a new organizational structure involving two clans within one.
Level 80-150 members will be run by our Guardians
Level 150-220 members will be run by our Generals and Chieftain

We still are a end-game focused clan and regularly take down all the major bosses.
(100+ Aggragoth kills, 60+ Hrungnir kills, 10+ Mordris kills, Necro...)
With this in mind we are looking for players who will contribute to our goals.

Leveling will be required and rewards will come often to those that contribute.

If you are interested in joining our clan contact one of our Guardians in game.

Level 80-150 Characters – Managed and led by five Guardians
InnerCircle Guardians:

More details can be found on our website.

CH for some reason does not allow links off forum.
They have written code to change links so they do not work.
This is the correct link but the coding changes the link so it does not work:
So to get more information go to our website (url is shown in image below)
Then go to our forum and look for post titled The New InnerCircle Clan Structure

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:02 pm
by Dawn Knight
Good job and good luck on new system :)

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:23 am
by EliteRanger
Cant wait till im lvl 80 :D Gj InnerCircle

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:20 pm
by Hawkye
an* end -game clan
And you didn't kill necro

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:51 pm
by The(Server)

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:31 pm
by LastCall
If I may share my opinion I believe it is a little stupid to have a req or 80 on an end game clan. I say make it like your old req of 100 with full meteoric and wep. Obviously that wont happy since its 105 now so maybe make req 110? Then you gear them for frozen. Only reason I say this is because like the old req it shows they can get stuff on there own and by 110 they have more experience. Idk just throwing in my two sense

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:26 pm
by Hawkye
If I may share my opinion I believe it is a little stupid to have a req or 80 on an end game clan. I say make it like your old req of 100 with full meteoric and wep. Obviously that wont happy since its 105 now so maybe make req 110? Then you gear them for frozen. Only reason I say this is because like the old req it shows they can get stuff on there own and by 110 they have more experience. Idk just throwing in my two sense
They figured out other clans are growing due to lower level req so they do it the same. Couse, they know, they get outnumbered by others and in a fast rate.

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:35 pm
by Swashbuckler
Hawk who are you to talk, your the level 150 with unfathomable gear because he refuses to join any clans at all.

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:04 pm
by Hawkye
Hawk who are you to talk, your the level 150 with **** gear because he refuses to join any clans at all.
What gear? I got 95% of my gear alone, not being in a clan, and not full time plat buyer
And who are you to talk abut my gear when you depend by a clan :lol:

Re: InnerCircle Changes Requirement to Level 80

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:45 pm
by LastCall
Will you stop. Keep it civil.