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Please tell me what I am doing wrong here...

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:24 am
by Sir Blaze333
Apparently, helping to kill a mob that is passed half way is annoying. MotherNature tells me to stop helping. So i will no longer help.

When I attack a mob at the same time as another, its fine until i get the kill. Is that kill stealing?

Everything is live except walking/running which is delayed. So when i attack and kill a mob while the other person is still running on my screan, is that kill stealing?

When a mob attacks me and I dont attack right away, someone else attacks it. Yet when i attack a mob thats not taking retaliation, I am kill stealing. WTF?!?

Is that not bad enough? How about being bashed and insulted.

Re: Please tell me what I am doing wrong here...

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:44 am
by TripleHHH
Suck it up. Take all the atention u can get have fun with it :) go at em at me and have a good time doing it

Re: Please tell me what I am doing wrong here...

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:50 am
by AngelEyes
Dearest blaze,
When I have agro for over 3 seconds and you rush in... That's not nice. Then a fellow sin showed up to help me dps it. He was going to log. Kazuma and I were not grouped. You said "helping" when it was roughly halfway when I asked you to stop you would not reply only kept hitting the elder. Kazuma logged and you did more damage than me so I wasted a superxp pot and got ksed. I asked you over 3 times to please stop. This isn't the first time you have done this to me and even your own clan mates. Ksing is not nice. Please stop.

Re: Please tell me what I am doing wrong here...

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:47 am
by Sir Blaze333
Dearest blaze,
When I have agro for over 3 seconds and you rush in... That's not nice. Then a fellow sin showed up to help me dps it. He was going to log. Kazuma and I were not grouped. You said "helping" when it was roughly halfway when I asked you to stop you would not reply only kept hitting the elder. Kazuma logged and you did more damage than me so I wasted a superxp pot and got ksed. I asked you over 3 times to please stop. This isn't the first time you have done this to me and even your own clan mates. Ksing is not nice. Please stop.
I did log... I said "I will". I got no exp
I have not kill stolen from my clan mates! Please specify who and get them to confirm this.
I don't care what you say anymore because you lie and contradict yourself through actions. Your a hypocrit.

But this doesn't matter anymore because I'm not in RESPECT anymore, thanks to you.

PS: you attacked a mob that I held for about three seconds if not more recently. There you go, an example.