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Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:39 pm
by MrFarcrag
Why cant we use forums instead of using Groupie/other applications?

Pros of Forums
- Known to everybody, whereas people wont know what Groupie is
- Easy to find anything, theres a search box whereas in Groupie you have to scroll through multiple, if not thousands of posts to find that one post that you need
- Easy to message anyone, whereas on groupie you have to friend someone before messaging them
- Easy to access on a PC, maybe its just me but Groupie on PC sucks
- More appealing to eye (again, everyone has different opinions)
- Easier to write long lists, groupie has a word limit (Maybe forums has word limit too but it definitely is bigger than Groupies)
- If needed, you can get help from OTM anytime, on Groupie you dont have them
- Doesnt crash!!! Biggest problem on groupie
- No likes, so you wont see ''like h$es'' on forums
- You can easily find your OWN posts
- Need a real email adress to sign up, on groupie you can create tons of fake profiles
- You can edit your posts (some will see that as a negative)

- Cant have private groups (eg. Clan Chats)
- Cant have a scammer list (No naming and shaming rule)
- Doesnt show if friends are online or not (Not that much of a problem tbh)
- Controlled by OTM staff
- Cant post anything offensive

Re: Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:34 pm
by Foxxx
We're using an app called 'Band' - Not as convenient as Groupie was, but it does the job. If you download it, all our groups are basically named the same as they were on Groupie.

Re: Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:35 pm
by MrFarcrag
dang it why did nobody tell anything about it :x :x :x :x :x

Re: Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:39 pm
by Foxxx
I believed it was mentioned as a alternative in a threads down below, or you could've checked with people in game. Anyway, bunch of people did a good job setting it up for the rest of us!

Re: Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:42 pm
by MrFarcrag
why doesnt it let me sign up?

Re: Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:07 am
by Deucaleon
Hahaha! Soo you make this post about how these controlled forums are way better than Groupie(now dead), and then completely abandon it when you hear where we all landed.

You sir just answered your own post.

Re: Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:06 pm
by TrueHatred
R.I.P groupie you will be missed nothing can every replace you :(

Re: Why are we so dependent on Groupie? (will keep updating)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:49 pm
by MrFarcrag
Hahaha! Soo you make this post about how these controlled forums are way better than Groupie(now dead), and then completely abandon it when you hear where we all landed.

You sir just answered your own post.
Im still agreeing with my post, the only reason i never check out forums is because everyone uses some other apps