Another world beating clan falls to the side. Sad as always to see clan die, but it always seems to happen.
The only thing I've seen hold a clan together is desire to be number 1, when you aren't. You fight scrap and play insane hours just to get ahead, and everyone does it, because its a common cause.
But, when the common cause is gone, the creases and wrinkles begin to show. Instead of a common cause, its the time people become selfish and want more of the pie. It's less about us and more about "me".
Seen it too many times.
Wish everyone the best. Keep the strength.
#1Roguish Warrior, or Warrish Rogue
Rogue 194, Warrior 176, Druid 112, Ranger 111, Mage 100, Bank 71
Rogue 194, Warrior 176, Druid 112, Ranger 111, Mage 100, Bank 71