Hello rosemerta i am switching worlds due to a big scam that happened and wanted to know why i should come here
R there alot of drags and what would they sell for
Is there alot of disks (crowns,elms,etc)
Is there alot of scammers?
Thnx for replys
No do not suggest sthis world
R there alot of ddrags and whould they sell for: Theres decent amount adn depending who selling range from 30k-50k
is there alot of disks(crowns,elms,etc) yes besides elms they are rare and sellling 15k
is there alot of scammers? Yes and not just scammers but annoying people whatever ur definition of ksing is maybe it applys to you, and in clans rispetto number 2 clan broke up into like 10 and now theres no competiton between bosses its all awakeing
You must of been mis-informed or been gone to long. Gt your facts strait before trying to sound like u know what it is and u dont even play this server.
Now back to the o.p. topic. If you are a solid competitive player,than yes i would suggest this world. But if you can't handle losing a boss now and again to another clan than beware. Unlike what ole johnrock is implying there is now 3 maybe 4 powerhouse clans now on server. Most of the people that whine about being ksed arent even high enough to go to ow yet alone kill some of the bosses they got "ksed" on.
If u have any intentions of scamming than id highly suggest staying away. Even tho there may be some petty squabbles between clans now and again, we will come together to make a scammers life hell.
So if you do decide to come to ros than let me be the first to welcome you and wish you the best of luck finding what ever it is you are looking for in the game.
Druid-185+ Server-Rosmerta Clan-Forever "Believe none of what you hear,and half of what you see."