Ok, I'm kinda tired in hearing about Ksing and FFA or whatever or how ever you wanna put it...people complaining about clans and all that jazz...so here I wanna hear something good...what's good about Rosmerta...GOOD...this is not the place to be ******** or complaining..As Thumper's would say "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say nothing at all."
So lets just start off with, this is the place I have meet some interesting people and I am happy to call friends.
I really like the fact that when i started off as a new player people didnt just dis regard my whispers as some low lvl gold begger,but gave me a chance answering some of the info i needed at the time. I also like the fact that several people took notice to me at a very low lvl and helped me along with any game mechanic advice i needed. Which in turn made me into the ch addict i am today. And now also because of those people i tend to be helpful to new players that dont spam me begging,but genuinely need help.