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Clan Memories

Hey guys, I was scrolling the Rosmerta forums when i realized this was all from like February, wow im late. ;)
I was just wanting you guys to share the best memories of your early clans as noobs, and please, no bashing.
I believe there are 4 too many locked threads on the Rosmerta page. :roll:

My favorite memories where;
1. Clan Templars: As a noob I thought WizardOnion and Nasim where the best players around on Rosmerta, and I was thrilled when I was invited into templars but I was a clan hopper so I left around level 40 :?
2. Clan Epic: As a noob I was running aroung Lirs Reach and stuff when I saw Epic at a boss fight (skeleton), and thought it was the coolest thing ever and i begged to join Epic. Nasim let me in, but I had to get to level 60 ASAP and that overwhelmed me because, well, im a noob. :lol:
When I joined, they played alot of jokes like kicking me (especially exile >.>), but I didnt care i was in Epic and Nasim gave me an Icelord Hammer so my day was made. xD
Maclir101 - Warrior 224 (Retired)
Feared - Mage 222 (Active)
Citizen of Rosmerta since 2011 Samhain

Re: Clan Memories

This is the original salvation.
Clan Alliance: ohh it makes me so sad thinking about how much of a family we all were in that clan. :cry: it was very great and the most united clan ive even been in. (ironic because it was way more united .... than clan united lol)
lvl 135 Rouge Lenix
lvl 90 Mage Zerido
Member of Celtic Clan: AgroSin

Successful Celtic Heroes Youtuber, Visit my Channel for Everything CH!!

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