I was just wanting you guys to share the best memories of your early clans as noobs, and please, no bashing.
I believe there are 4 too many locked threads on the Rosmerta page.

My favorite memories where;
1. Clan Templars: As a noob I thought WizardOnion and Nasim where the best players around on Rosmerta, and I was thrilled when I was invited into templars but I was a clan hopper so I left around level 40

2. Clan Epic: As a noob I was running aroung Lirs Reach and stuff when I saw Epic at a boss fight (skeleton), and thought it was the coolest thing ever and i begged to join Epic. Nasim let me in, but I had to get to level 60 ASAP and that overwhelmed me because, well, im a noob.

When I joined, they played alot of jokes like kicking me (especially exile >.>), but I didnt care i was in Epic and Nasim gave me an Icelord Hammer so my day was made. xD