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Truth about awakening

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:27 pm
by Brookie
Now lately I have been hearing some bad things said about my clan and I wanna straighten things out.
Awakening is a fisher clan who believes in free for all on bosses. We don't ks mobs. We arnt nasty people. Many people have been saying we are evil but it's not tht at all. We like competition and really enjoy the fighting in this game. So If you think we are bad because we like to compete with people then think again. We are all nice people in fact we have 3 of the nicest players in whole server in our clan (if not the 3 nicest)
You won't find any nicer people then that on the server. I just wanna clear this up. We ent horrible people like some people have been saying. Which I find it very rude to make up such statements without people really knowing me. So ya come give us a go and please don't listen to rumours as we all know what they can be like

Brookie1 cheif of awake :)

Re: Truth about awakening

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:57 pm
by proxdavid5
i agree on how you said everything for one, i like the free for all its not gonna be your drop just cause u did the most damage its gonna be your drop whoever finsishes the job, if someone dont like that then oh well thats how this game is played, also people have no room to talk about other clans or people on this game, because most of the people who start rumors are the people who scamm others outta their hard earned money. thabks for sticking up for your clan shows that u care. (even tho im apart of a diffrent clan) :p

Re: Truth about awakening

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:02 pm
by meepol

Kinda getting sick of all these awakening haters and lovers.

Get off of forums if you want to complain and PLAY the game

Re: Truth about awakening

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:59 pm
by Daniel00
Im not sure why you rise to the bait of these people hating on awake.

Re: Truth about awakening

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:52 pm
by Mr.E
Your theory makes sense but I think why many people think it's Ksing is because they are lower level. When you are 150+ vs a lvl 90 there is clearly no competition to be had. This does not make them bad people for "Ksing" it's just something they do because they can and there are no written rules in the game that prevents them from doing so.

I just felt like both sides of the story had to be told, as I used to be one of these people that hated awake for "Kill stealing". I have a better understanding of FFA and why it exists in the game now however. I just try to limit how much I do it, as it can turn into everyone on server hating you except for people in awake.

Also, I elect Greengus for nicest player on the server. just sayin. 8-)