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New scammer on Rosmerta?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:44 pm
by xArctic
He's done this to many people now (including me, obviously). I don't know if I'm the first to put this to attention, but I have proof of it. I tried to get a picture of him too but that's why he said he had to go. Apparently this is a new way of scamming now, telling lower levels or "noobs" that if they pay you money they'll pay you more on their higher account, saying that "it's such a burden to switch characters to pay you back, so I can't." He also says the word "nah" frequently so if he were to make another character or account, this is probably him. He's level 14 I believe, on the world Rosmerta. He frequents the castle, where he does most of his work.

Since apparently I'm not aloud to show what he says, I'll show what he looks like. This is not naming him (because it took me 50 pictures to get it without a name)
and I don't see how this is shaming him either when the picture itself doesn't show his name so it cannot be proven that it is actually him. If you see this guy, and if he whispers you asking for money, block him.
I'm the guy behind him attacking him with rage. Just for the record. If this is still classified as shaming or naming the said person then feel free to delete it. My only objective is to protect the people who aren't, shall I say, the smartest about this game.

If anyone can do anything about people like this, that would be great. This is more to show people who he is and not necessarily to show moderators.

Thank you,