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Horizons' little predicament

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:53 pm
by NuclearCake
Hey guys; as a member of horizons for a good year now, i know every clannie pretty well, and well.... Any horizon knows about this, we kind of had a falling out. Apparently we were doing a boss with the clan and we let a diff person in not from the clan, and after that boss, it started an allout WAR. A lot of my good friends left, including kimimaro, cyph, cair, revenge and a good 10 others, eventually making me want to leave. I don't know if any of you guys have returned, but I hope that you do, because you are all great people.

My point here is why start a giant war over another person joining the group that isn't from the clan? It would be nice if you guys could stop doing that, because it results in a huge battle. PLEASE STOP

Re: Horizons' little predicament

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:24 pm
by Ohia
I think i know what your talkn bout and i wanna make something clear, the boss was called by me (whispered a couple horiz friends) and i was grouped with pinkrose from awake, all of a sudden theres a full group of horiz with others that cant get in group and they start raging cause me and rose are in it! And i was the dam tank she was only druid i mean wtf. Anyway thats what happened just thought u should know

Re: Horizons' little predicament

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:33 am
by Bapakekezia
In a certain moment, the complicated situation can happen, when we had to quickly determine before one of the other clan (which is not what we want) start, while the other members of our clan was busy so we invite some friends around (despite the existence of other clans) for do it, or another friend wants help from us in favor of our clan.
It's a dilemma I have ever tasted.
So it needed good manner, awareness and depending clever we measure existing capacity, we mainly do for the clan.
I also do not have to always take part in all the battles when the group is quite capable of doing or it is full or i dont really need it, but I will try to help clannies if necessary (although only kill adds)
I personally apologize if there has been a misunderstanding and that it should not happen again

Re: Horizons' little predicament

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:54 pm
by johnrock
Horizons is falling apart some of the reason i left. Its got a unsturdy base and losing some of there top members. Ragina said "im thinking of disbanding clan" then woops wc :(

Re: Horizons' little predicament

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:47 am
by PartyNinja
Why does so much happen when i leave? but..... hopefully all the drama is gone when i come back :lol: